
St Patricks Makeup | Twitch Stream

St Patricks Makeup | Twitch Stream

Green is that from which loveliness arises... Pedro Calderon

St Patrick’s day is another great excuse to get creative with Makeup Monday! This time I popped together a creative sparkly green look live over on my Twitch channel and it was lots of fun, you can take a look at the full GRWM video along with a before and after below…

St Patricks Makeup Look

St Patrick’s Day Makeup | Before & After

I created this makeup look based off the colours in one of my favourite dresses from Forever New, I’ve done sparkly tears before, but this is the first time I have done a green makeup look! It was lots of fun and although I wasn’t sure how it would turn out, I was really happy with the finished result. I used my basic BH Cosmetics palette to create it, and a touch of lash glue to stick on the glitter. I used a stencil heart to create a reverse image under each eye, and a vibrant pink lip to finish. To see full pictorials for each new look I do, head over to my Instagram story highlights HERE.



St Patrick’s Day Makeup | Twitch

I stream on Twitch and you can check out my Twitch channel here! ♥︎

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Based in Christchurch, New Zealand.