
Dionnyisiss Blade | Style Feature

Dionnyisiss Blade | Style Feature

For November's featured style of the month, this Q & A is with young starlet & Gothic model, Dionnyisiss Blade A.K.A Dion. Dion's boldly unique and beautiful darker style weaves through all of her modelling and fashion work, and we chat about her thoughts on the fashion scene, the creative process, the challenges, and the philosophy that underpins her aesthetic. 

This fashion editorial was put together between the two of us in Auckland with hair and makeup wizard, artist Petra Marsalkova. Check out more of her work on her facebook page. Dion currently resides in Hamilton, New Zealand and you can follow her journey on Facebook here, and on Instagram here. 

Dionnyisiss Blade | Style Feature

1. When did your journey in the fashion scene start? 

Around four years ago.

2. How would you describe your style?

Dark fantasy or Gothic. 

3. What inspired you to embrace your current aesthetic?

I have been trying to wear things that reflect my soul.

Dion wears a crown by Florist Ilene Hamilton + Dress from her own collection. Makeup and Hair by Petra Marsalkova

4. What or who are your style icons, who has influenced you creatively?

I get a lot of my style ideas and inspiration from Romanian gypsies, and traditional gothic attire. 

5. If you could go to any location in the world for an editorial, where would it be?

The catacombs in Paris, France. 

6. What does the colour black symbolise to you as part of your style?

To me the colour black symbolises the witch. Witches wear black to repel negativity and attract light.

7. What have your experiences with the NZ fashion scene been like so far? Do you encounter much pressure to fit in, and how do you respond to that?

I have found a few rather lovely creatures that are similar to myself and my style. I’ve always known I was different so I never worried about not fitting in. 

Dion wears a crown by Florist Ilene Hamilton + Dress from her own collection. Makeup and Hair by Petra Marsalkova

8. What do you feel are people’s biggest assumptions of the goth scene are compared to the reality?

The biggest assumption I have come across is probably that people think we drink blood or want to hurt others, this results in many people not even meeting your gaze when walking along the street. Most people, especially those of older generations refuse to look at you, as if they are scared. 

9. When have you had criticism either as a model or creative and how have you dealt with that?

I’ve had quite a lot of criticism from people in regards to how I wear my makeup, whether it be that I was wearing dark eyeshadow in a shoot or black lipstick. Someone always has to comment about how I’m too pretty to be wearing such makeup. I simply thank them for their feedback and move on with my life as everyone has different standards of beauty.

10. What is the best advice you’ve ever been given?

“That if you want results you’ve never had you have to do something you’ve never done”.

Dion wears a crown by Florist Ilene Hamilton + Dress from her own collection. Makeup and Hair by Petra Marsalkova

11. What advice would you give to aspiring models in NZ?

Practice and persistence. This isn’t New York and sadly you probably aren’t going to just get a big break, you have to work for it. But in said that it makes it all worth-while when you see results. Just keep practicing and take every bit of criticism with a grain of salt, not everyone is going to like your work and you can’t please everyone. But that’s ok, create work that inspires you and challenges you, because over all you should be working on not only improving yourself physically but also mentally and spiritually. 

12. What do you think is the most important strategy to focus on when pursuing your goals?

Persistence. Over all this is my key attribute I am thankful for. Naturally I am quite stubborn and persistent, this has worked out well for me over the past few years. And remember practice makes perfect, you can only get better from here.

13. If you were to be stranded on a desert island, what three things would you take with you and why?

My medication, the world’s biggest library and an unlimited supply of water.

Dion wears a crown by Florist Ilene Hamilton + Dress from her own collection. Makeup and Hair by Petra Marsalkova

14. What are your beliefs about social media, how does it influence your work?

I think it is a great tool for exposure and to find like-minded creatures. I don’t really think social media influences my work.

15. What is your biggest success? Why? What did you learn from it?

My biggest success would probably be really getting to know myself on this journey, I am proud to say I am a better person now than when I started.

16. What is your biggest failure? Why? What did you learn from it?

My biggest failure would be trying to make everyone happy. This just resulted in a stress and anxiety filled lifestyle that I was not happy with.

Dion wears a crown by Florist Ilene Hamilton + Dress from her own collection. Makeup and Hair by Petra Marsalkova

17. For other girls wanting to get involved in the goth scene where are the best places to find a like-minded community online?

My best advice would be to look for people who are in the scene online that are in your country, approach them with any questions you might have. I have found the alternative and gothic scene to be quite welcoming and warm. Following gothic and alternative pages on Instagram and Facebook can also link you to other like-minded individuals.

18. What’s your favourite item in your wardrobe at the moment and why?

Probably my Doll dress from Killstar.

19. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Working as a mortician.

20. What do you do when you aren’t working?

I enjoy reading, studying the different types of witchcraft and going on nature walks.

Dion wears a crown by Florist Ilene Hamilton + Dress from her own collection. Makeup and Hair by Petra Marsalkova

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Based in Christchurch, New Zealand.